Strange - I have a Sailor Nova as well and she ALSO takes over the leadership of the StarLights though for different reasons. However she is a girl. Here are my four:
PS: If you steal them without permission YOU WILL DIE.
PSS: I'm using your format, if you don't mind Creshosk.
Sailor Valkyrie - The Senshi of Fate
Name: Kirie
Eye Color: Mauve Lavender
Hair Color: Deep Plum
Birthday: August 11th (THE SAME AS MINE! It's easier to remember that way
Astrological Sign: Leo
Blood Type: Unknown
Height: 5'0
Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Least Favorite Food: Caviar
School: Juuban High
Favorite Subject: None
Least Favorite subject: Math
Has Trouble With: Arguing
Favorite color: Gray
Favorite Gemstone: Jade
Strong Point: Unknown
Dream: None
Hobbies: Kittycats
Sailor Valkyrie is pretty mysterious. She appears out of nowhere and no one is sure whether or not she is evil or good.
Sailor Valkyrie is unlike your typical sailor senshi. She appears much more "developed" and has a slightly more curvaceous frame (OKAY so she's not stick thin like the rest of the senshi OH WELL).
Her character flaws are many: she is stubborn, rude, very selfish, cruel, and sometimes downright nasty. Her character is not all bad: She does have a soft spot for kittens. (But that's about it).
Nobody really knows a whole lot about Sailor Valkyrie, we're not real sure how old she is or where she came from exactly.
As a fun note, her name Kirie is a type of paper cutting that seems to be a fun hobby in Japan. It can also be known as sen-shi which means (paper snip). Pretty ironic huh??
Sailor Nova - The Senshi of Endings
Name: Kou Jenna
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Hair Color: Powder Blue
Birthday: May 18th
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'8
Favorite Food: Stir Fry
Least Favorite Food: Unknown
School: Juuban High
Favorite Subject: Physics
Least Favorite subject: Government
Has Trouble With: being a perfectionist
Favorite color: Pale blue
Favorite Gemstone: Pearls
Strong Point: Dutiful
Hobbies: Cooking, cleaning, school
Sailor Nova just "happened" to be away from Kinmoku when Galaxia attacked. She returned in the middle of battle and through some strange luck she managed to help Princess Kakyuu into the censer and sent her on her way. In the process of this, however, Galaxia learned her identity and she was forced to go into hiding until Princess Kakyuu was discovered by the StarLights.
Jenna appears to be the Three Lights' manager, though sometimes she seems more like their mother. She cooks and cleans after them, but is more often stuck doing their laundry.
Jenna is extremely intelligent. However her intelligence is somewhat impaired by her inability to concentrate on one thing for a long period of time. Attention deficeit disorder if you will.
Jenna is somewhat musically inclined, she can sing but only in an operatic tone which makes us unable to make them become "The Four Lights".
Jenna dreams to be on Iron Chef someday. She is also known to be obsessed and in love with Chen Kenichi.
Sailor Callisto - The Senshi of Dreams
Name: Unknown
Eye Color: pale lavender
Hair Color: Mauve
Birthday: Unknown
Astrological Sign: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Height: 5'5
Favorite Food: Unknown
Least Favorite Food: Unknown
School: None
Favorite Subject: Unknown
Least Favorite subject: Unknown
Has Trouble With: Unknown
Favorite color: Unknown
Favorite Gemstone: Unknown
Strong Point: Unknown
Dream: Unknown
Hobbies: Unknown
We don't know anything about Salior Callisto at all. The only ones who seem to know anything about her are Seiya and Sailor Valkyrie and they only refer to her as the Lady of Dreams and she seems a pretty worthless character.
Sailor StarDestroyer - The Senshi of
Name: Minori Kou
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Silver Lavander
Birthday: April 25th
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Blood Type: Unknown
Height: 6'5 (WHOOOOA)
Favorite Food: Tacos
Least Favorite Food: Fish
School: Unknown
Favorite Subject: Art
Least Favorite subject: English
Has Trouble With: People in general
Favorite color: Black
Favorite Gemstone: None
Strong Point: Fighting
Dream: Unknown
Hobbies: Motorcycles
Because I do not believe that senshi are restricted to being female, Sailor StarDestroyer has the distinct pleasure of being a male senshi.
Minori Kou appeared out of nowhere, refuses to tell anyone anything and simply says "Well where I'm from, I'm famous". He's stubborn, arrogant, and a bonified butthead.
Minori is huge. He is 6'5 which is outrageously tall compared to most of the senshi. He is a lean, mean, SEXIST machine and looks at women like objects.
You'll be surprised to know that Minori is only fourteen.
He drives around his motorcycle (illegally) and is known to be a bad ass in general.
Sailor StarDestroyer isn't really sure himself what he is supposed to represent.
These are all characters from my interactive fanfic which is in the process of being re-written YET AGAIN and illustrated. It should be up on the web in a million years.
I have pictures of all these senshi - someday you'll get to see them